Mirror Lakes Elementary Panther Paw Kid’s Club (MLE-PPK) is a service provided by the school for students in Kindergarten through Fifth Grade. We provide a safe and caring environment for your child to interact and participate in enrichment activities. The Club is open every day with the exception of days when school is closed such as holidays and teacher inservice days. We do not offer afternoon childcare on early dismissal days.
Program Mission: The mission of the MLE Panther Paw Kid’s Club is to provide a safe and fun program that meets the needs of all students intellectually, emotionally and physically.
Mirror Lakes Elementary School
Panther Paw Kid's Club
Before and After School Program
Director: Ms. Pineda - [email protected] or Co-Director: Ms. Jones - [email protected]
The goal of the Panther Paw Kid's Club is to provide an alternative environment for the children of our working parents.
Our Objectives are:
Homework Assistance
Arts & Crafts
Physical Activities
Social Interaction
Hours of Operation:
Additional information can be found in our brochure.